January 4, 2021

2021 Goals


Happy New Year!! ⠀

Are you making any New Year Resolutions? I am not.⠀

Why? ⠀

Because you don’t have to wait for the New Year, or Monday, or the third Tuesday in August to start something. I started my journey on May 20, 2020. It was a Wednesday. I went to my first CrossFit class. I didn’t have any of my nutrition ready. In fact, I still ate shitty for the first two weeks that I did CrossFit. ⠀

It wasn’t until I got super amped about the workouts and wanted to get better that I started to shift my food. Then, it wasn’t until November that my CrossFit Box owner gifted me a month with a nutritionist, that I started working with a nutritionist and seeing the benefits of that. ⠀

The journey doesn’t all happen on the first day. You start where you are at and build on it as you go. Trust me, that is super hard for this girl that wants to control everything and arrange it all neat and pretty. ⠀

News flash, it doesn’t happen like that. It’s messy and confusing and frustrating and emotional. You’re going to obsess, and cry, and wish that you already at your goal weight. But the things you learn about health, fitness, nutrition, and yourself along the way are so incredibly important. Enjoy this journey and start when you are ready, don’t wait for everything to align.

With that being said, I do have 2021 goals. SMART goals.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Based

1. Continue losing weight and hitting a weight loss of four pounds a week hitting my goal weight May 20, 2021.

I know the goal is aggressive over the six months, but I really think I can do this. I want to lose 150 pounds in 12 months and I’m going to fucking go after it with all I’ve got. The time is going to pass anyway, so I figured I might as well try.

I need to stay focused on my macros. Macros have helped me tremendously and I’m working with a nutritionist that is helping me stay focused on what to eat. It’s a piece that I’ve tried to do on my own o many times and I just wasn’t good at it. I needed someone to come in and assess from the outside. I’m also not eating pork, cheese, milk, or ice cream. I’m not having cheat days, and I’m only eating whole foods. These things are really important to me as I continue my journey.

2. Research and find a plastic surgeon for skin removal surgery by March 31, 2021. Ideally having skin removal at the beginning of 2022.

I’ve already been asking tons of questions to people that I follow about their experience. Also, one of my friends lost 85 pounds about 10 years ago and had skin removal surgery then. This process is something that is not talked about a lot. There are a few girls starting to talk about it now including the Iron Giantess and Michobabyy. They are the two I’ve really enjoyed following and they are all 6 months to a year post-surgery.

My goal is to take you into the consultations, talk about the questions you should be asking, and then even give you the play by play leading up to the surgery. So many people (me included) are scared of the loose skin that happens when you lose a shit ton of weight. I’m already starting to experience it after losing 70 pounds.

But you know what… fuck that. Lose the weight, and then let a plastic surgeon cut that shit off of you. I want to experience freedom in my body. I want the skin to be gone. Skin is an organ and if any other organ in your body wasn’t performing the way that it should, you’d get it fixed right?! Why is skin any different?

3. Once I hit my 100-pound weight loss mark I will be doing a promotional photoshoot for the company I’m working on starting.

I have a side hustle that I absolutely love. I have always been so afraid of showing myself because the company I want to start is a high-end brand. I have always felt like I will be severely judged on my appearance, especially when I was at my highest. When I hit my 100-pound mark I think I will be ready to show my face. Even if I’m not, I want to celebrate such a large milestone and I’m doing it anyway. Then when I lose the last 50 pounds, I can do another one if I want to. But for now, I need to celebrate because 100-pounds is an amazing milestone too.


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