Other food sounds a little funny, doesn’t it? But you know when you’re working out and eating right then you get to a place where you want to do things with your friends, but you will be out of your regularly scheduled routine and around food you’re not used to having in your daily food regimen… like say… pizza?
This is what has happened this past weekend. The CrossFit family was hanging out and making Christmas cookies! Ronnie ordered pizza and everyone brought a side dish. I was going to prep food and just take it with me, but then, I really thought about how my Macros are supposed to flexible. If it fits, it ships kind of thing.
So, I said fuck it. I’m eating pizza tonight.
When I got there, I got super nervous, I saw the pizza but was like uh maybe I can not eat it. Who was I kidding, the CF Fam hangs out for HOURS, I would have starved to death. I grabbed a piece of pepperoni and threw it in the microwave. I definitely stared at it for a few seconds before eating it. But finally took a bite.
It wasn’t great. It tasted like college pizza. I was really happy. It didn’t taste so good that I was sad I was missing out on eating pizza because I was trying to lose weight. I ended up having a second piece a few hours later and I ate two shortbread cookies with icing. They were good, but not so good that I missed them either.
It’s amazing how my relationship with food is changing. I no longer crave the junk food or sweets I used to. I actually crave my nightly apple and my tortilla chicken wrap with Frank’s Red Hot Sauce for lunch. I guess my nutritionist was right when he said, this is your new normal you better get used to it.
That woman from May that weighed 310 pounds is gone. The woman I’m working to be is starting to show up little by little and I can’t wait to hit my weight loss goals and maintain her.